FIGHT (Temple Door)


“It may seem obvious, but in our lives we structure everything as a competition, and we believe that if we want to win, the other party must lose. This is dangerous, and I think it’s completely wrong.” - DF



Do nothing.


"Temple Door" was filmed during a 7-day Artissima Experimental Academy workshop in May of 2019, together with the artist and biologist Daniela Marcozzi and the Aikido master Massimiliano Furlanetto. Artists and art students from Hamburg, Bremen, London, Frankfurt, Milan, and Los Angeles travelled to Venice and were key to the workshop. Participants themselves decided which conflict solutions would be developed and practiced, thus creating a psychodramatic setting in which personal conflicts were acted out – and ultimately allowing the participants to learn how the intensely personal is also supra-individual. 


A meeting of two: eye to eye, face to face.

And when you are near,

I will tear your eyes out

and place them instead of mine,

and you will tear my eyes out

and will place them instead of yours,

then I will look at you with your eyes

And you will look at me with mine.

(J.L. Moreno, 1914)